Saturday, 14 June 2014

My Bucket list

Authors Note: 

I am an 18 year old high schooler, 11 days away from graduating. It's a bittersweet feeling after having been in grade school for basically my entire life. Thinking about university gets my pretty pumped because of a few reasons, the main one being I will be living with my best friend. Another reason is what I want to study, which goes along with my bucket list. My dream is to be a photojournalist, so traveling will be my job. This way, I have 25 plus places I want to go to all planned out, and I won't have to pay for any of it! I hope that I can complete everything on my bucket list before I die, even though some of it seems unrealistic. 

1. Stay friends with the people I've grown up with
2. Go backpacking in Europe
3. Learn more about the Holocaust (partially complete)
4. See Hedley live in concert
5. See Paramore live in concert 
6. Go to Tomorrowland
7. Move into an apartment all on my own
8. Go on a road trip with my best friends 
9. Go hiking in the Canadian Rockies 
10. Go bungee jumping 
11. Go zip lining
12. Live on the east coast
13. Go to the cheerleading worlds 
14. See the ball drop in New York on New Year's Eve, in person
15. Be more flexible
16. Meet Channing Tatum
17. Donate Blood (partially complete) 
18. Donate $ to a good cause, anonymously
19. See the Royal Winnipeg Ballet
20. Eat at a fancy restaurant, dressed up
21. Go on a fancy date
22. Visit Québec 
23. Do something spontaneously 
24. Go backstage at a concert
25. Be a bridesmaid
26. Own a collection of old VHS childhood movies (partially completed) 
27. Spend a winter without snow
28. Go a year without pop or junk food
29. See Down With Webster live 
30. Go on a trip with mine and my best friends family 
31. Know an actor/actress on tv
32. Own a big house
33. Have a cabin on Lake Manitoba in St. Laurent 
34. Adopt my own dog (complete) 
35. Join a central cheer team
36. Be a flyer in a stunt at competition
37. Learn to tumble
38. Have a box tv when they aren't sold anymore 
39. Go skydiving
40. Get family pictures done every year
41. Be an auntie
42. Go to a drive in movie
43. Own lots of vintage things
44. Swim in the Pacific Ocean
45. Swim in the Atlantic Ocean 
46. Own every season of Friends
47. Own every season of One Tree Hil
48. Put my kids in dance or cheerleading 
49. Start a conversation with a random stranger
50. Go to a Winnipeg Jets game 
51. Be able to eat 'normal' food 
52. Have long hair and donate it to cancer 
53. Buy something from IKEA (complete)
54. Wear leather pants
55. Watch every episode of "Who's Line is it Anyway?" With Drew Carey 
56. Go horseback riding in the wild
57. Watch a full sunset
58. Get a tattoo
59. Go on a safari
60. Lock a lock on the love lock bridge in Paris 
61. Marry a francophone 
62. Be proposed to in an interesting way
63. Study in a coffee shop for hours (complete)
64. Set a world record  
65. Fishbowl Fridays (complete)
66. Do Humanitarian work 
67. Have a world map in my room of all the places I want to visit (complete) 
68. Dye my hair (complete) 
69. Get my oversplits further
70. Have a random coin collection (complete) 
71. Own a stuffed animal collection (complete) 
72. Travel to Europe (complete) (but I want to go back)
73. Write my bucket list in my room (complete) 
74. Go to my first concert (complete)
75. Win a soccer medal (complete) 
76. Win a cheerleading medal and/or trophy (complete)
77. Take a gondola ride in Venice in the Grand Canal
78. Fly in a hot air balloon 
89. Fall in love 
80. See a waterfall (complete)  
81. Cliff jump into the Ocean
82. Collect sand from every beach I visit
83. Buy a homeless person a hot meal
84. Start a new year off with an empty jar and fill it with good things that happen throughout the year
85. Flash mob
86. Study abroad
87. Lay in the middle of the road in the dead of might 
88. Be in two places at once
89. Change someone's life for the better
90. Kiss under mistletoe 
91. Celebrate Mahdi gras in New Orleans
92. Be on/watch in studio - Big Brother Canada
93. Meet Ryan Gosling
94. Plan my sisters wedding
95. Visit the Santa Monica pier
96. Sleep under the stars (complete)
97. Have a bucket list inspired anniversary 
98. Meet Matt Smith from Cheer Athletics 
99. Meet Jamie Andries from Cheer Athletics 
100. Own a pair of Nfinitys 
101. See Smoed, F5, CA Cheetas, Cali, Top Gun, Lady Bullets, Cheer X-treme, etc compete
102. Meet David Beckham 
103. Buy a keychain from everyplace in the world I visit
Go to...
104. Paris, France
105. Dublin, Ireland
106. Venice, Rome, Milan etc, Italy
107. Berlin, Germany (complete) 
108. Fiji
109. Sydney, Australia 
110. Rio de Jenerio, Brazil 
111. New Zealand
112. Cuba
113. Cancun, Mexico
114. Madagascar 
115. Panama City 
116. Athens, Greece 
117. Iceland 
118. Wales 
119. Poland (complete)
121. Prague, Czech Republic (complete) 
122. B.C. 
123. Scotland
124. Toronto
125. California
126. Jasper, Alberta
127. Bali
128. Spain
129. Croatia 

And much more!! 

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